How to decorate Steampunk? Top 10 of the best decoration objects
5 min read
Steampunk originated in 19th century literature when the industrial revolution was at its height. Since then, steampunk has become a real cultural movement and continues to grow in popularity. More and more people are looking to create this style in their interiors, that's why we have gathered for you the TOP 10 of the best steampunk decoration objects.
Top 10: The Old Cards
Steampunk describes a future universe (or modified present) in which machines (mainly steam-powered) are omnipresent and change the face and the way of life in our world. The historical characters we know are part of this world as well as the countries and continents. It is therefore normal to find old maps from the industrialization era (where it all began) in the decoration of rooms respecting this style.
Top 9: The Globe
We continue this top 10 of steampunk deco objects with the globe. Following the same logic as the old cards, the old globe is a must in steampunk decoration if you want to be taken seriously! As for the card it must have an old and worn effect (the best being that it is really old, not easy to find it we grant you). The must have is to have a globe made of industrial materials to stick a maximum to the style. Moreover, it's a useful and interactive object, everyone likes to look at and rotate a globe and then ask questions about geography.
Top 8: The Hat
Dating from the 19th century, the steampunk style is like frozen in time while being futuristic, that's what makes all the beauty of this universe. The hat, an element of elegance and class very widespread at the time is thus quite naturally found in the decoration. A period hat put in a strategic place of the room will reinforce the steampunk side while bringing a certain elegance and originality to your interior. Very well known and popular at the time, the top hat is the typical example. To give an even more steampunk side to this object used for decoration, it is recommended to add a touch of "engineering" to it. Adding welder's or aviator's glasses on the hat will make all the difference leaving no doubt about its origin. There are specialized sites such as la-boutique-steampunk that sell these hats.
Top 7: The Old Trunk
Trunks are omnipresent in the steampunk universe in which people wander and travel with these huge trunks that can hold large objects. Used to transport plans and/or robotic mechanisms, they are the object of intrigue and covetousness. The advantage when one wants to adopt a steampunk style at home is that the objects are often very useful. In the case of the trunk it is possible and even very recommended to use it as a piece of furniture, a coffee table for example.
Vintage trunks are therefore perfect to create a steampunk atmosphere in your home.
Top 6: The Telescope
Taking part in a universe where the industry of the time has been pushed beyond the one we know and where it uses machinery drawn from our imagination with inventions each one crazier than the other. In this universe which is ancient while being futuristic, the characters are in perpetual search of novelties and evolutions. It is therefore normal that in the interiors we find telescopes.
These telescopes bring a unique side to this style, impregnating it even more in innovation and research. The "industrial" materials of the telescope reinforce all the more the anchoring to the steampunk universe.
Top 5: Books
Books are sources of knowledge, especially at the time when the style was born because the internet did not exist. Books were therefore one of the only means of safeguarding and transmitting discoveries and inventions. Adding old or aged books will add that innovative side to the decoration which is not lacking in innovation.
Having a library anchored in the steampunk style with books from the same era will take your decoration to the next level that few people can reach. Finding antique books can be difficult and very expensive, especially if you are looking for authentic books. However, you can find them used only as decoration in specialized shops or websites. The best (and cheapest) way to get some for decoration is to rummage through your grandparents' belongings and ask them if you can use their old books that they no longer use.
Top 4:The Lamps
In most styles lighting has a very important role. It is therefore more than necessary to have the right atmosphere when playing with the lights. In steampunk, the lights are an element not to be missed at the risk of making a mistake. The steampunk lamps are original and clean to the style, offering a light dosed to perfection. It is not necessary to have too much light, an alternation of the ranges of lights offers all its charm to the steampunk.
Top 3:Chairs
The chairs are one of the main and very useful elements in an interior, they allow to sit but also to decorate a room. We hardly pay attention to ordinary chairs, but those that are out of the ordinary will immediately attract all the attention. Of course, one wants to sit on a nice and comfortable chair rather than a folding garden chair. As seen previously, the chairs specific to the steampunk style are anchored in the years having seen its creation. Resembling the chairs of the bourgeoisie of the time they will bring a unique charm in addition to accentuating the steampunk style.
Top 2:Gears
Taking place in an industrial world where steam engines are omnipresent, it is very common to find gears. These gears used to operate all kinds of objects have become over time (and even outside the steampunk style) a very effective decorative tool. Bringing a raw and industrial aspect to an interior, they are out of the ordinary and plunge the spectators back into an era that has changed the face of the world as we knew it. The steampunk gears will perfectly match the decoration and bring an extra touch of this universe. To have a successful steampunk decoration you need to have a maximum of objects of this style to be immersed a maximum in it.
Top 1: The Wall Clock
You are beginning to know us and our specialty: CLOCKS. This style, like all styles, is not missing the rule, we always need a clock. Man has always needed to find his way through time, even more so in the age of globalization and industrialization. The steampunk clocks are therefore very industrial oriented with as seen previously apparent gears.
These two points complement each other perfectly and make it possible to cover the wall decoration of a steampunkroom perfectly. Having a clock is all the more useful because you will have understood it, in addition to decorating it is practical by displaying the time.
This is the end of our TOP 10 of the best steampunk decoration objects, I hope you liked it and helped you to find your way with this style.
Don't hesitate to let us know in comment which object you liked best.
The cuckoo clock has been a great conversation piece and it's aesthetic is fun and attractive. It took a while to get to me and they didn't have red but it's nice nonetheless.