To decorate its interior in an original way, the wall hanging is obvious. In a bedroom, a living room or an office, this large decorative fabric has many advantages and this is what we will see. Here are five good reasons to buy a wall hanging.
1. Transform a room quickly and easily
If you're renting or want to avoid major renovations, wall hangings are the best way to transform your home quickly, easily and affordably. Do you want to dress up an empty wall, camouflage an old wallpaper or a damaged wall? Nothing could be easier, choose the wall hanging that matches your personality and the atmosphere you wish to create and simply fix it to your wall.
To install your wall hanging, all you need are a few nails or tacks to put in the four corners of the fabric. If your wall is concrete (or if you don't want to make a hole in the fabric), hang your wall hanging with double-sided tape.
2. Add a personal touch to your home
If you had to choose one word to define your personality, what would it be? Bohemian spirit, psychedelic style or more of a Zen temperament? Wall hangings have the advantage of being able to be declined in many different themes to match everyone's personality. So, whether you're more into Hindu motifs or Scandinavian atmosphere, you're bound to find the wall hanging that suits you.
To feel good at home, it is important to have an interior decoration in harmony with our personality. If you respect this when selecting your wall hanging, this piece of fabric will be much more than a simple wall decoration, it will also be a true reflection of your soul.
If you wish to offer a wall hanging to someone without taking any risk with the design, choose a mandala wall hanging. This ancestral and symbolic pattern has the advantage of being timeless and to match all interior styles.
3. Warm up the atmosphere of the room
Wall hangings are a great way to warm up the atmosphere of the room. By hanging a wall hanging against your wall, you immediately give your home a warm and welcoming feel. Not to mention the colors and the pattern, the fabric itself adds a material, a relief to the wall to break the straight lines and decrease the coldness of the walls. Thus, your interior looks more cozy and comforting, like those huts made of cushions and sheets that we used to make when we were little to find refuge.
4. Add color to your life
Want to add some color to your home decor but the landlord isn't keen on you repainting the walls duck blue? Then put away that can of paint, drop that brush and opt for an alternative that doesn't require major work: wall hangings. This ornamental fabric can take on many different prints, each more colorful than the last.
Did you know that colors are able to influence our state of mind and our feelings? Knowing that, the choice of the color of the decorative fabric must be consistent with the use you will make of it. For example, we will favor calm and soothing colors in a room, such as blue or purple. In a living room, a playroom or an office, opt for dynamic colors like orange, yellow or turquoise.
When choosing color, also consider the size of your room. In a dark or narrow apartment, light colors will be preferred to brighten the room. On the contrary, in a vast and luminous interior, warm colors will warm up the room.
5. Unleash your imagination
We talk about "wall hangings", but this large piece of fabric can also find many other functions, whether inside a house or outside. Reusable and adaptable, wall hangings can be used as tablecloths, bedspreads, sofa covers, curtains... Your imagination is your only limit! The hanging allows you to break the codes of interior design. Why not fix it to the ceiling, above your bed, for an even more cocooning effect? Why not stretch it between two rooms to create an original separation?
Of course, the use you can make of it will also depend on the type of fabric. For example, a cotton curtain can easily be used as a picnic tablecloth or a summer sarong. The polyester hanging is, on the other hand, ideal for decorating a temporary garden lounge this summer. One thing is sure, whatever the use you make of it, the wall hanging is a great way to invite your mind to escape.
The cuckoo clock has been a great conversation piece and it's aesthetic is fun and attractive. It took a while to get to me and they didn't have red but it's nice nonetheless.